Post Vein ablation
Wear the compression hose continuously for 2 days, then during all waking hours for 2 weeks.
Elevate the treated leg whenever seated.
Walk every hour for a few minutes. Also add a 20-30 minute walk daily if able. Walking is strongly encouraged.
Ambulatory Phlebectomy : you can remove the Coban (disposable ace wrap) in the first 24 hours. Leave the support hose on continuously for the 2 day period then for 2 weeks during waking hours.
Band-Aids, Tape, and Gauze: Remove the tape and gauze after 1 day.
Take Ibuprofen 400 mg in am and 400 mg pm , for 5 days; this will decrease the normal inflammatory response and discomfort post procedure.
Post procedure symptoms
Pain: may experience mild to moderate discomfort following the procedure. The leg may be tender to the touch after treatment; it is normal to experience some tenderness or bruising in the areas where local anesthesia was administered. This pain responds well to Ibuphrofen
Transient bruising: some patients may notice some mild bruising or discoloration after treatment. This discoloration is almost always transient and will resolve in about 3-4 weeks. In rare cases, this darkening of the skin may persist up to a year.
Leg/Ankle Swelling: may occur especially after treating large varicose veins . It usually resolves in a few days but may last a few weeks. Wearing the prescribed compression hose and elevation will help lessen the swelling. If uncomfortable, a small dose of diuretic will be prescribed
Some patients may experience a “pulling” or “tight” sensation 1-3 weeks after the procedure. This is the effect of the treated area healing. Occurs mainly when treated vein is close to the skin and there is minimal fat tissue around.
Discoloration of the skin along the treated veins. This may last several months.
Superficial thrombophlebitis: . You may feel a small cord under the skin, with redness and warm sensation. Call us and antinflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, antibiotics, or even blood thinners may be prescribed for a short period of time
Restrictions after the procedure
Driving: You need someone to drive you to and from the office on the day of the procedure, due to sedatives administered . Drive as tolerated after the first day.
Activities: You should be walking hourly.
Heavy Lifting Restrictions: No heavy lifting or straining for 1 week after the day of the procedure.
Bathing: Sponge baths only for the first 1 day.
Work: You may return to work next day after the procedure.
Sports/Exercise: 1 week from the day of the procedure.
Sexual Activity: Whenever comfortable.
Diet: Resume normal diet.
Flying: Allowed 1 week after the procedure. We advise compression stockings for flight longer than 4 hours.

Photo : NewLookFeelsGood