Nurses have an inner drive to mankind and humanity. Behind the mask at Good Shepherd Hospital

Daily Herald acknowledged the health care efforts at Good Shepherd Hospital, by publishing artistic pictures from COVID unit, taken by one of us , Amy Jo Badowsky . There is no fear in these pictures, but a gracious love to mankind and humanity , in the middle of a devastating pandemic I made rounds at

Peonies – the King of flowers – were named in honor of Paeon, the physician of gods.

The peonies in my garden are blooming, bringing back memories of my mother’s garden in Romania, – a splash of color and beauty. There is a special one, popular in Romania – Paeonia romanica Peregrina The Chinese call Peonies the King of flowers ; were named in honor of Paeon, the physician of the gods.

Women’s day – March 8 Th . Every year

International women’s day is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is a day when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political. International Women’s Day first emerged from the activities of labour movements at the turn of the twentieth century in North America

What do you want to be successful?

I have always thought that achieving success is a matter of personality and attitude , and not only intelligence or meticulous work . There are traits of personality that predict success , that can be seen in preschoolers , no matter what the definition of success is . I define success as happiness , since

Palazzo pants, flamboyant and scandalous; back in style this summer

  Palazzo pants are long women’s trousers, cut with a loose , very wide leg  that flares out from the waist. They were pioneered in 1920’s by fashion icon Coco Channel, and by Katharine Hepburn in the 1930’s, becoming popular in the 60’s and 70’s , when the fashion movement adopted a more relaxed, comfortable

Sexual life after a Heart attack or Open Heart Surgery

  Sexual health is a barometer for our overall health , and it’s often viewed as a sign of fitness and strength. It is an important aspect of our happiness in a relationship and our overall success and adaptability in our society . After a cardiac event,return to sexual activity is often not addressed  by physicians

Moody in spring. Why some people get anxious and irritable in spring?

Spring break is here and Chicago weather is stuttering slowly towards brighter days, with a scent of blooming flowers and an explosion of colors and energy. I’ve always liked the beginning  of spring and  childhood memories of march are shadows of  fresh green paving the roads towards school, with my mother’s high hills knocking the streets,