New evidence is showing that :
Drinking two or more of artificially sweetened drinks a day is linked to an increased risk of heart attacks, embolic strokes and early death in women over 50, according to new data
The American Heart Association issued an advisory last year , saying that short term use of low-calorie and artificially sweetened drinks to replace sugary ones “may be an effective strategy” to promote weight loss in adults, but not children.
However, artificial sweeteners trigger unfavorable metabolic changes, and may lead to an . unknown yet vascular injury
New data reveals an increase in cardiac events and embolic stroke in people consuming more than 2 artificially sweetened drinks a day .
Among all people involved in the study , postmenopausal female showed the highest incidence of cardiac events .
Intake of saccharin, acesulfame-potassium, or stevia and saccharin have been linked to weight gain and increased adiposity.
Additionally, saccharin and aspartame have been also associated with impaired glucose homeostasis and hyperinsulinemia.
In patients with borderline or undiagnosed diabetes , hypertension or metabolic syndrome , these sweeteners may just switch the metabolic pathway towards overt diagnosis
High intake of artificially sweetened drinks has been associated with weight gain; they may lower satiety and may increase blood sugar and insulin levels, leading to insulin resistance. They may also cause weight gain by stimulating appetite.
My take from reading this new medical evidence is that artificially sweetened drinks may trigger a ” metabolic syndrome ” state , known as a precursor of cardiac disease