Cancer and Heart ; you won the cancer battle , let’s win the cancer- heart war!
Advances in cancer treatment have led to improved survival of patients with cancer, but have also increased Cardiovascular complications . Success in oncology is applauded and should not be shadowed by increase in cardiac diseases Cardio vascular long term complications are one of the most frequent of cancer side effects therapy and there is a
Cancer drug Xeloda can mimic heart attack . Early cardiac recognition and prevention allows safe continuation of cancer treatment
Cardiac ischemia , ST elevation myocardial infarction and ventricular arrhythmia can be side effect of Capecitabine (Xeloda) , through induction of coronary Vasospasm Awareness and early recognition of possible sides effects can prevent the dangerous cardiac toxicity , and may allow safe continuation of chemotherapy My patient is a joyful 50 plus years old woman
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